With the recently released film Dhilluku Dhuddu, Santhanam has hit a hat-trick as the lead hero. The film was released on July 7th and has received positive reviews from the fans as well as critics. According to sources, the film has earned Rs 12 crore at the box office on its opening weekend.
In a media interaction, Santhanam said that it is not like he approached the big names and they refused. The actor felt that a Hansika or Trisha would be usual. He wanted to unearth an emerging talent and that is why, he chose to go in for a new face every time.
In a media interaction, Santhanam said that it is not like he approached the big names and they refused. The actor felt that a Hansika or Trisha would be usual. He wanted to unearth an emerging talent and that is why, he chose to go in for a new face every time.