While the shooting for Rajinikanth starrer 'Kabali' is set to kick start on the auspicious day of Vinayagar Chathurthi on September 17, the first look the Superstar is also expected to be revealed the same day. Directed by Pa. Ranjith, the film chronicles the story of a don, played by Rajinikanth.
Produced by Kalaipuli S Thanu, the movie also stars Kalaiarasan, Dinesh, Radhika Apte and Dhansika in the lead roles. Santhosh Naraynan will be scoring music for this film. Expectations on the superstar's look in this movie have been skyrocketing and this news has his fans excited.
Produced by Kalaipuli S Thanu, the movie also stars Kalaiarasan, Dinesh, Radhika Apte and Dhansika in the lead roles. Santhosh Naraynan will be scoring music for this film. Expectations on the superstar's look in this movie have been skyrocketing and this news has his fans excited.