Ilayathalapathy Vijay's upcoming film, Puli, has been cleared by the Censor Board and given a clean 'U' certificate. The film starring Vijay, Shruthi Haasan and Hansika in the lead roles is directed by Chimbudevan. Sudeep, Sridevi and Nandita play important roles in the movie which has music composed by Devi Sri Prasad.
Produced by Thameeens, the film will be high on action and adventure. It is rumoured to be on the lines of Russell Crowe's The Gladiator. Puli will be Sridevi's comeback vehicle for Tamil films. After a hiatus of almost two decades, the actress will be seen in a Tamil film in which she plays the role of a queen.
Produced by Thameeens, the film will be high on action and adventure. It is rumoured to be on the lines of Russell Crowe's The Gladiator. Puli will be Sridevi's comeback vehicle for Tamil films. After a hiatus of almost two decades, the actress will be seen in a Tamil film in which she plays the role of a queen.