Although her latest bilingual Nayagi failed to make an impression at the box office as well as among audiences, it hasn't dampened Trisha's spirits. The acclaimed actress, who is awaiting the release of the upcoming political thriller Kodi with Dhanush, Anupama Parameshwaran and Vijay's father S. A. Chandrasekhar this Diwali recently gave fans a first look to her comedy horror Mohini which is in its final stages of production. She also has in her pipeline Sathuranga Vettai 2 with Arvind Swamy, Saamy 2 with Vikram and the female-centric action thriller Garjanai.
In that list, Garjanai will be the remake of the hit 2015 Bollywood road film NH10 starring Anushka Sharma which laid emphasis on honor killing. With that said, it is now being reported television artist Amit Bhargav, who shot to limelight for his negative role in Jayam Ravi's Miruthan earlier this year will be playing Trisha's husband in the film while Telugu actor Vamsi Krishna has been roped in to play the rough baddie.
In that list, Garjanai will be the remake of the hit 2015 Bollywood road film NH10 starring Anushka Sharma which laid emphasis on honor killing. With that said, it is now being reported television artist Amit Bhargav, who shot to limelight for his negative role in Jayam Ravi's Miruthan earlier this year will be playing Trisha's husband in the film while Telugu actor Vamsi Krishna has been roped in to play the rough baddie.