With all things set for a bumper opening for the Dhanush, Trisha, Anupama Parameshwaran and S. A. Chandrasekhar starrer Kodi releasing on October 28, the team is ecstatic and will be traveling to various parts of Tamil Nadu to promote the film. In addition, director Durai Senthilkumar and actress Saranya Ponvannan will join the team when they head to Madurai, Tirunelveli, Coimbatore, Salem, and Trichy on October 25 and 26 to promote the film.
That treat doesn't end just there. It has now been confirmed that Dhanush will participate in a special screening of his 2014 blockbuster Velaiilla Pattadhari at Ram Muthuram Cinemas in Tirunelveli.
Now, that's definitely a big treat for Dhanush fans at Nellai.
That treat doesn't end just there. It has now been confirmed that Dhanush will participate in a special screening of his 2014 blockbuster Velaiilla Pattadhari at Ram Muthuram Cinemas in Tirunelveli.
Now, that's definitely a big treat for Dhanush fans at Nellai.