Actress Kajal Aggarwal finally confirmed her role in the upcoming Ajith film tentatively being called AK 57 or Thala 57. The Thuppakki and Jilla actress revealed that her character in the film will be a calm and composed person in contrast to her chirpy nature in real life. Reports are now coming in stating the actress is playing Ajith's wife in the film.
It is also being said now that contrary to previous reports, AK 57 will feature three heroines rather than what was initially believed to be two female leads. Although an official confirmation is awaited, Akshara Haasan's name has been doing the rounds for the second female lead for a while now. The third female character in the film will reportedly only be a cameo role. Details are awaited meanwhile.
Said to be an international spy thriller, Thala 57 will be directed by Veeram and Vedalam fame Siva under the Sathya Jyothi Films banner with a musical score by Anirudh Ravichander.
It is also being said now that contrary to previous reports, AK 57 will feature three heroines rather than what was initially believed to be two female leads. Although an official confirmation is awaited, Akshara Haasan's name has been doing the rounds for the second female lead for a while now. The third female character in the film will reportedly only be a cameo role. Details are awaited meanwhile.
Said to be an international spy thriller, Thala 57 will be directed by Veeram and Vedalam fame Siva under the Sathya Jyothi Films banner with a musical score by Anirudh Ravichander.