It has happened that the critically acclaimed film from Kannada movie industry – Godhi Banna Saadharana Mykattu is getting remade in Tamil now. The film’s shooting was completed before a very long time, but the entire team maintained a secrecy of letting it know about its proceeding. Now the official announcement has been made that the movie titled ’60 Vayadu Maaniram’ will be hitting screens in August. The film is produced by Kalaipuli S Thanu and is directed by Radha Mohan. Prakash Raj and Vikram Prabhu are playing lead roles in this film, which has Induja in female lead character. Samuthirakani would be spotted in an important role. The greatest highlighting feature is the musical score by Ilayaraja. Initially, the film was reported of being produced by Prakash Raj’s Duet Movies, but now has been acquired by Kalaipuli S Thanu.