Vada Chennai, Dhanush’s project after VIP 2, has been facing one issue after another. First, Vijay Sethupathi walked out of the project because of date issues. Though Dhanush and Vetrimaaran had made an official announcement regarding the delay in the film, Sethupathi walked out when the dates he had given for the project were not used. Now, actor Amala Paul has apparently left the movie. Amala will be seen alongside Dhanush in VIP 2, but the Vada Chennai team seems to have finalised Aishwarya Rajesh for the role.
Amala has also cited date issues as the reason for leaving the project. This hardly comes as a surprise as the project has faced many hiccups in terms of shooting and finalising schedules. Aishwarya had earlier worked with Dhanush and Vetrimaaran on the award-winning film, Kaaka Muttai. Apparently, the actor has already started to shoot for the film. Dhanush had also tweeted earlier that he has begun shooting for the film.