Check out here for Aamir Khan’s transformation video for his upcoming movie Dangal. For his character in film ‘Mahavir Singh Phogat’, he portray as 50 year old man and young wrestler. The team of ‘Dangal’ officially released video of Aamir khan weight loss from 90kg to six pack.
Aamir Khan is a technique on-screen character to the tee. At the point when Aamir agreed to Nitesh Tiwary’s Dangal, he had an undertaking close by. Of playing a resigned 52 year old wrestler, who’s a father of four.
While 80% of the film has Aamir playing the 52 year old wrestler, the on-screen character needed to shoot those segments first. Also, he needed to beef up from 72 kgs and 9.67% muscle to fat ratio ratios to an enormous 97 kilos with 38% muscle to fat quotients. Presently, that wasn’t a simple undertaking, nor was it solid for the performer yet Aamir pulled it off.
Aamir Khan is a technique on-screen character to the tee. At the point when Aamir agreed to Nitesh Tiwary’s Dangal, he had an undertaking close by. Of playing a resigned 52 year old wrestler, who’s a father of four.
While 80% of the film has Aamir playing the 52 year old wrestler, the on-screen character needed to shoot those segments first. Also, he needed to beef up from 72 kgs and 9.67% muscle to fat ratio ratios to an enormous 97 kilos with 38% muscle to fat quotients. Presently, that wasn’t a simple undertaking, nor was it solid for the performer yet Aamir pulled it off.