Earlier it was said that Vishal’s Kaththi Sandai will release alongside Vijay’s Bairavaa. Now that Kaththi Sandai has been advanced to December 23rd, GV Prakash Kumar’s Bruce Lee has booked the Pongal slot.
The director of Bruce Lee Prasanth Pandiyaraj took to his Twitter to confirm the news, “Thank God #BruceLee on Pongal... Enga Anan #Bairavaa kooda Varom... #BruceLee on Pongal ...”.
The director of Bruce Lee Prasanth Pandiyaraj took to his Twitter to confirm the news, “Thank God #BruceLee on Pongal... Enga Anan #Bairavaa kooda Varom... #BruceLee on Pongal ...”.