S3 also known as Singam 3 is an upcoming 2016 Indian Tamil action film written and directed by Hari. A sequel to the 2013 film Singam II and the third film in the Singam franchise, it stars Suriya, Anushka Shetty and Shruti Haasan in lead roles. Devi Sri Prasad was replaced by Harris Jayaraj as the music director of the film. Principal photography commenced on 7 January 2016 in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh and the film will be released in theatres on 16 December 2016. The film's Tamil Nadu distribution rights were sold for a record-breaking 41 crore (US$6.1 million).
Singam 3 (aka) S3 photos stills & images
November 01, 2016
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