Actor Dhanush is all to set to reprise the role of Raghuvaran, the character he portrayed in his superhit film 'Vellai Illa Pattadhaari' (VIP). The star actor has announced the sequel to his blockbuster film. Titled 'Velai Illa Pattadhaari 2' (VIP 2), the film will be directed by Dhanush's sister-in-law Soundarya Rajinikanth, who has earlier director Rajinikanth starrer animated film 'Kochadaiyaan'.
This will be Dhanush's 33rd film and will have Anirudh and Sean Roldan scoring the music. To be produced by Kalaipuli S. Thanu of V Creations and Dhanush's own production house Wunderbar Films, the film and dialogues are written by Dhanush himself.
This will be Dhanush's 33rd film and will have Anirudh and Sean Roldan scoring the music. To be produced by Kalaipuli S. Thanu of V Creations and Dhanush's own production house Wunderbar Films, the film and dialogues are written by Dhanush himself.