Vijay Sethupathi and Gayathrie featuring, Ranjit Jeyakodi directorial Mellisai has gone for a title change. It will from now on be called as Puriyadha Pudhir. It must be reviewed that, this is additionally the name of the great flick of 1990 which was directed by KS Ravikumar and produced by R B Choudary for Super Good Films.
Affirming about this, Ranjit speaks, “Yes, we have changed the title to Puriyadha Pudhir. It is purely for business purposes. Titles like Moodupani and Netrikann were suggested. Finally, we zeroed in on Puriyadha Pudhir which again will be apt for the story as the film is a thriller. In fact, the film was titled as Moodu Pani first but we later changed to Mellisai. And now, we tried for Moodu Pani and Netri Kann but we could not get those titles. We approached Supergood film RB Choudary sir who was kind enough to give the title to us”.
As respects the arrival of the film, Ranjit says that it will, for the most part, be a November release. He facilitates,
It must be examine that JS Satish Kumar of JSK Film Corporation has purchased the overall review privileges of this Vijay Sethupathi starter.