Director Rambhala who previously did Dhilluku Dhuddu this year with Santhanam is at this moment occupied with his next attempt including GV Prakash and Vadivelu. There were stories rumored that Vadielu may be the rogue in the film, In the late meeting the director himself declare that “No. No. He is not the villain. There is another full-time villain in the movie. There are about 8 sequences of Vadivelu in the movie with around 4 sequences in each half.” Discussing the approach of the film he mentions, “We have zeroed in on the initial few sequences and the climax portions. We have locked in on the interval portions too. We are just clearing out a few other loose ends and making sure the overall script is smooth.”
Discussing the approach of the film he mentions, “We have zeroed in on the initial few sequences and the climax portions. We have locked in on the interval portions too. We are just clearing out a few other loose ends and making sure the overall script is smooth.”