Banner: Tea Time Talks Production'Chennai 28' fame Vijayalakshmi has turned producer for 'Pandigai' directed by her husband Feroz. In this film Kreshna pairs up with Anandhi of 'Kayal' fame. The film revolves around the underground illegal street fighting and A street fight festival organized by gangsters. The makers say that the script promises joy and energy that would entertain audience. 'Pandigai' is about a man who is ready to face and fierce anything. Saravanan Nithin Sathya, Karunas and 'Black' Pandi play important roles.
Cast: Kreshna, Anandhi, Nithin Sathya, Karunas, Saravanan, Pandi, Madhusudhan Rao, Dharani Vasudevan
Direction: Feroz
Production: Vijayalakshmi Ahathian
Debutante R.H. Vikram scores the music, Remiyan is designing the sets and Aravind mantles the camera , editing is by National Award winner Sabu Joseph and Anbariv is the stunt choreographer of this film which promises to be an action entertainer. The film will release sometime in September 2016.
Tags: Pandigai,Pandigai Gallery, Indian Movie Pandigai Gallery, Pandigai movie stills, Tamil movie Pandigai gallery,Pandigai cinema stills, Pandigai movie stills,Pandigai movie gallery, director, , Fer, starring, , Kreshna, Anandhi, Karunas, Nithin Sathya, Saravanan, Pandi, Sabarish, Madhusudh Pandigai Gallery. Tamil Movie Pandigai Stills