Achcham Yenbathu Madamaiyada, the long awaited film which sees the collaboration of Director Gautham Menon and Simbu once again after the successful Vinnaithaandi Varuvaya, has been waiting for it's release for a while. The makers too announced a few release dates which weren't met either.
S.Madhan of Escape Artists Motions Pictures, one of the producers of this romantic travel flick, in an interview had hinted that the film may hit the screens after Diwali. Sources also state that the film's both Tamil and Telugu version Sahasame Swasaga Sagipo, will be hitting the screens next month for sure and the dates are likely to be November 18 or November 25.
With the chart-buster 'Thalli Pogathey' being the last song that had to be shot, now canned successfully, those from the film fraternity and fans are waiting to have a glimpse of this flick. Starring Silambarasan and Manjima Mohan in the lead, A.R. Rahman has crooned the music for this flick.
S.Madhan of Escape Artists Motions Pictures, one of the producers of this romantic travel flick, in an interview had hinted that the film may hit the screens after Diwali. Sources also state that the film's both Tamil and Telugu version Sahasame Swasaga Sagipo, will be hitting the screens next month for sure and the dates are likely to be November 18 or November 25.
With the chart-buster 'Thalli Pogathey' being the last song that had to be shot, now canned successfully, those from the film fraternity and fans are waiting to have a glimpse of this flick. Starring Silambarasan and Manjima Mohan in the lead, A.R. Rahman has crooned the music for this flick.