A while back, director Dass Ramasamy had opened up about his debut film Dora with Nayanthara stating it comes under the fantasy crime thriller genre. Apart from revealing important details on the film, he also stated that there would be no introduction song for the 'Lady Superstar' contrary to what has been reported across few sections of the media.
Latest reports now state that Dora will have 8 tracks with 4 of them forming the theme songs equivalent to international standards. The film's music being composed by the musical duo Vivek-Merwin have stated that there will be a theme song in the film for each of the primary characters.
Nayanthara's Dora is shaping up to be quite interesting. The makers are apparently eyeing a release date sometime around the end of this year.
Latest reports now state that Dora will have 8 tracks with 4 of them forming the theme songs equivalent to international standards. The film's music being composed by the musical duo Vivek-Merwin have stated that there will be a theme song in the film for each of the primary characters.
Nayanthara's Dora is shaping up to be quite interesting. The makers are apparently eyeing a release date sometime around the end of this year.