Many tabloids carried the news that things aren't smooth between Silambarasan and director Gautham Menon. The duo have collaborated for the second time after Vinnai Thaandi Varuvaya once again for Achcham Yenbathu Madamaiyada. With almost the entire shoot completed, the much loved song from the album, 'Thalli Pogathey', hasn't been shot yet.
The director who's currently directing Ennai Nokki Paayum Thotta with Dhanush revealed in an interview that we might never get to witness the song in the film. He added that the initial plan was to shoot both Dhanush's ENPT and STR's AYM in Turkey and both the stars knew their schedule along with the fact that he has spent Rs. 80 lakhs to take the entire crew to Turkey.
Apparently the crew completed 3 days of shoot for ENPT and GVM traveled 8 hrs to another city where he had planned to shoot 'Thalli Pogathey' with STR and Naga Chaithanya (For the Telugu version). But only Naga was present at sight and even after trying to contact STR he wasn't reachable which forced the director to finish the shoot for the Telugu version and head back to India hoping to shoot that song in Chennai.
But in a recent interview, the director clarified that they don't have any issues between them. Gautham added that such crisis aren't uncommon for producers and went to say that AYM will be a milestone flick for both him and STR. Another source state that GVM will be settling the pending amount to STR and complete the shoot for AYM soon.
The director who's currently directing Ennai Nokki Paayum Thotta with Dhanush revealed in an interview that we might never get to witness the song in the film. He added that the initial plan was to shoot both Dhanush's ENPT and STR's AYM in Turkey and both the stars knew their schedule along with the fact that he has spent Rs. 80 lakhs to take the entire crew to Turkey.
Apparently the crew completed 3 days of shoot for ENPT and GVM traveled 8 hrs to another city where he had planned to shoot 'Thalli Pogathey' with STR and Naga Chaithanya (For the Telugu version). But only Naga was present at sight and even after trying to contact STR he wasn't reachable which forced the director to finish the shoot for the Telugu version and head back to India hoping to shoot that song in Chennai.
But in a recent interview, the director clarified that they don't have any issues between them. Gautham added that such crisis aren't uncommon for producers and went to say that AYM will be a milestone flick for both him and STR. Another source state that GVM will be settling the pending amount to STR and complete the shoot for AYM soon.