Actor Vishal, who has been busy with relief work on the field, is to resume his shoot this week. We hear that the actor will start shooting in Rajapalayam for Marudhu, which is being directed by Muthiah. The actor was shooting for it when the flood hit Chennai. He took a break from his shooting schedule and reached Chennai to help the floodaffected people. After completing his relief work in Cuddalore, he will join the Marudhu team.
A source from the unit says, "This will be a 70-day schedule, and we will be shooting in Rajapalayam, Srivillipuththur and Sankaran Koil. As it is a script based on a rural setting, Vishal will be seen in a rustic new-look for this film. Actually, we had already shot in Rajapalayam for about 10 days before Chennai was flooded. Vishal took a short break to reach out to the flood-affected people. And now he will resume work on this film soon." The film has Sri Divya playing the female lead and comedian Soori and Ra
dharavi are expected to join the team next month.
A source from the unit says, "This will be a 70-day schedule, and we will be shooting in Rajapalayam, Srivillipuththur and Sankaran Koil. As it is a script based on a rural setting, Vishal will be seen in a rustic new-look for this film. Actually, we had already shot in Rajapalayam for about 10 days before Chennai was flooded. Vishal took a short break to reach out to the flood-affected people. And now he will resume work on this film soon." The film has Sri Divya playing the female lead and comedian Soori and Ra
dharavi are expected to join the team next month.