Actor Silambarasan aka STR, who has been facing severe backlash for the controversial Beep Song, got emotional during an interview to a television channel. The actor took the entire blame for the song and said that Anirudh had nothing to do with it.
STR, who got emotional during the talk, asked that despite so many songs being anti-women, why was only he targeted, that too for a private song that got leaked. He also added that none of the Kollywood celebrities came forward to support him, including the Nadigar Sangam. STR has been facing the wrath of women activists for the song which had used a beep sound as cover for obscene words in an unreleased audio clipping.
STR, who got emotional during the talk, asked that despite so many songs being anti-women, why was only he targeted, that too for a private song that got leaked. He also added that none of the Kollywood celebrities came forward to support him, including the Nadigar Sangam. STR has been facing the wrath of women activists for the song which had used a beep sound as cover for obscene words in an unreleased audio clipping.