Jigarthanda director, Karthik Subbaraj is said to have met actor Vijay recently. Naturally, the question everyone is asking is, if there will be a movie where the two will team up? Interestingly, we also hear that Karthik was in fact, trying to meet Ajith to discuss about a project. Meanwhile, he got a call from Illayathalapathy.
Says a source close to the development, "Karthik had met producer A M Rathnam, a couple of months ago, as he was keen on working with Ajith. However, things didn't materialise. Meanwhile, Vijay called Karthik, and the two even met recently, to discuss a script. However, we will have to wait to see if they will work together for a movie."
Vijay is heading to Goa to shoot Vijay 59 and Karthik Subbaraj is working on the post production of his upcoming film Iraivi.
Says a source close to the development, "Karthik had met producer A M Rathnam, a couple of months ago, as he was keen on working with Ajith. However, things didn't materialise. Meanwhile, Vijay called Karthik, and the two even met recently, to discuss a script. However, we will have to wait to see if they will work together for a movie."
Vijay is heading to Goa to shoot Vijay 59 and Karthik Subbaraj is working on the post production of his upcoming film Iraivi.