Yesterday it was reported that Suriya’s upcoming film has been pulled out of the Pongal race by the makers. It was being said that the release date of the film has been postponed because many big films like Rajinikanth’s ‘Kabali’, Vijay’s ‘Vijay 59’ will be released during that time. ‘24’ now has a new release date.
According to reports, the Vikram Kumar directorial will now hit the theater screens in April, 2016. And the reason behind pushing back the film is its extensive CG work. The director and his team don’t want to compromise on VFX and are working hard to make it a visual treat for the audiences.
Reportedly, the science-fiction thriller is in its post-production stages and will be complete by March, 2016. ‘24’ features Samantha and Nithya Menen as female leads. The film has music by A.R. Rahman and the makers plan to unveil the music in January, 2016.
According to reports, the Vikram Kumar directorial will now hit the theater screens in April, 2016. And the reason behind pushing back the film is its extensive CG work. The director and his team don’t want to compromise on VFX and are working hard to make it a visual treat for the audiences.
Reportedly, the science-fiction thriller is in its post-production stages and will be complete by March, 2016. ‘24’ features Samantha and Nithya Menen as female leads. The film has music by A.R. Rahman and the makers plan to unveil the music in January, 2016.