Simbu starrer 'Idhu Namma Aalu' directed by Pandiraj is set to hit the screens for Pongal early next year. The film starring Simbu and Nayanthara for the first time after their break up in real life, also has Andrea, Santhanam and Soori in important roles. Chimbu Cine Arts is producing the film, which has music composed by Simbu's younger brother Kuralarasan, who is making his debut with the film. The audio of the film is expected to be launched by the end of December.
Interstingly, director Pandiraj's other film 'Kathakali' which has Visal in the lead is also planned to release for the festive season. Only recently did Simbu, blast actor Vishal during the Nadigar Sangam election campaign. Looks like Vishal has decided to take on Simbu at the box office. This movie will be released in the banner of Vishal Film Factory banner and Pasanga productions produce this as a joint venture.
Interstingly, director Pandiraj's other film 'Kathakali' which has Visal in the lead is also planned to release for the festive season. Only recently did Simbu, blast actor Vishal during the Nadigar Sangam election campaign. Looks like Vishal has decided to take on Simbu at the box office. This movie will be released in the banner of Vishal Film Factory banner and Pasanga productions produce this as a joint venture.