'Aaranyam' is the new Tamil thriller movie that is ready to hit the screens on 20th of this month. This movie has been produced by four friends namely Ram, Subash, Dinesh and Nanak through their newly formed 'Aaha Oho Production House'. Ram has played the lead role while Neeraja Shaji, Ilavarasu, Singamuthu, Srihema and Theepetti Ganesan play vital roles.
Debutant Guberji has done the direction. The story revolves around four friends who waste their time by being irresponsible. They steal a mobile for fun but it turns out to be a tragic event. The movie shows how they try to escape and what happens after the incident.
Salai Sahadevan has handled the camera while S.R.Ram has scored the music. The songs are penned by Yekadasi and Meenakshisundaram. The shooting took place in and around the villages of Pudukottai, Viralimalai, Salakudi, Trissur and Thailand.