Here's the latest on the Vikram Prabhu-starrer, Veera Sivaji. Vikram, it is said, will be playing the role of a taxi driver in the film. Confirming the news, director Ganesh Vinayak says, "Vikram is a cab driver in the film, whereas John Vijay is the baddie. We also have three comedians in the film — Yogi Babu, Robo Shankar and Motta Rajendran."
Talking about the plot, Ganesh says, "The story revolves around how the hero and several other people are cheated by the villain. Vikram tracks the movements of the villain, collects information, forms a master plan and finally defeats him. There are some great romantic portions in the film, too. We are all set to start shooting in Pondicherry from September 16."
Talking about the plot, Ganesh says, "The story revolves around how the hero and several other people are cheated by the villain. Vikram tracks the movements of the villain, collects information, forms a master plan and finally defeats him. There are some great romantic portions in the film, too. We are all set to start shooting in Pondicherry from September 16."