Here is how Ajith's next film Vedalam got its title. We hear that Ajith is playing a role in the film that is inspired from the popular fictional character, the Phantom. Apparently the team was looking for a suitable Tamil title and came up with Vedalam (which loosely translates to Phantom in English).
A source in the know explains, "Ajith will be playing a character, similar to that of the Phantom. Just like the character, Ajith will also save the day, whenever there is crime or injustice anywhere. That is why, the team was looking for a title that would be apt for his character, and they decided to call the film Vedalam."
However, when the title was decided, the makers came to know that an assistant director named Soori had already confirmed this title (Vedalam), for his film with Lawrence. As the project didn't take off, the makers wanted to have the title for their film. So, as per Ajith's request, the production house officially settled a sum of money to Soori, and then got the title. The source adds, "Ajith was keen that everything had to be officially settled before they finalized the title." The team is currently busy shooting the final portions of the film in the city.
A source in the know explains, "Ajith will be playing a character, similar to that of the Phantom. Just like the character, Ajith will also save the day, whenever there is crime or injustice anywhere. That is why, the team was looking for a title that would be apt for his character, and they decided to call the film Vedalam."
However, when the title was decided, the makers came to know that an assistant director named Soori had already confirmed this title (Vedalam), for his film with Lawrence. As the project didn't take off, the makers wanted to have the title for their film. So, as per Ajith's request, the production house officially settled a sum of money to Soori, and then got the title. The source adds, "Ajith was keen that everything had to be officially settled before they finalized the title." The team is currently busy shooting the final portions of the film in the city.