The audio launch of the Prashanth's Saahasam is being planned for September 18. The film has music by Thaman and has scores of singers working on it- Anirudh, Simbu, Shreya Ghoshal, Shankar Mahadevan, Mohit Chauhan, Lakshmi Menon, Vijay Prakash & Mansi. The single track with Malaysian word Sayangku, which was recently released in Malaysia, has already become a craze.
The film is directed by Arun Raj Varma and is produced by Thiagarajan. Saahasam is a remake of the Telugu hit Julai. The star cast includes Prashanth, Amanda, Abeetha and Nassar.
The film is directed by Arun Raj Varma and is produced by Thiagarajan. Saahasam is a remake of the Telugu hit Julai. The star cast includes Prashanth, Amanda, Abeetha and Nassar.