Malayalam Superstar Mammootty turned a year older recently. The adorable actor participated in a movie’s shoot on his birthday and the school children with whom he worked made his day memorable.
The veteran actor started his acting career with 'Anubhavangal Paalichakal' in 1971and he seized a top position in the industry with the support of popular director M.P.Vasudev Nair. In the 45 years of his career life he had done almost all sorts of characters. He had co-starred Rajini and had played vital roles in Tamil movies as well.
Fondly called 'Mammooka', this three time National Award winner has proved his versatility and still remains humble and down- to earth till date. Having completed 393 projects and still in the lead position the actor is expected to reach his 400th film soon.
It is to be noted that Mammootty is also active in doing many social welfare initiatives apart from his professional career.
The veteran actor started his acting career with 'Anubhavangal Paalichakal' in 1971and he seized a top position in the industry with the support of popular director M.P.Vasudev Nair. In the 45 years of his career life he had done almost all sorts of characters. He had co-starred Rajini and had played vital roles in Tamil movies as well.
Fondly called 'Mammooka', this three time National Award winner has proved his versatility and still remains humble and down- to earth till date. Having completed 393 projects and still in the lead position the actor is expected to reach his 400th film soon.
It is to be noted that Mammootty is also active in doing many social welfare initiatives apart from his professional career.