It has been 20 years since Baasha released, but the film holds a very special place in the hearts of Rajinikanth's fans. The Superstar, who made a surprise public appearance on Tuesday evening at an event to mark the 90th birthday celebrations of the film's producer RM Veerappan, revealed that he, too, has a high regard for the film. "I'm being asked by people if Kabali will be better than Baasha. I would like to say that you cannot compare Kabali with Baasha because Baasha cannot be bettered by any movie," he said, and credited the huge success of the film to the producer.
The Superstar also touched upon his health scare a few years ago. "I have heard that RM Veerappan has never been admitted to a hospital. I have experienced the pain of hospitalization. So, I request people to maintain their body so that they don't have to visit the hospital. If you are over 50, please exercise daily," he advised.
The Superstar also touched upon his health scare a few years ago. "I have heard that RM Veerappan has never been admitted to a hospital. I have experienced the pain of hospitalization. So, I request people to maintain their body so that they don't have to visit the hospital. If you are over 50, please exercise daily," he advised.