Contrary to reports that Ilayathalapathy Vijay may star in the PK remake, we have news now that Kamal Haasan will be reprising Aamir Khan’s role in the movie. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani with Aamir Khan and Anushka Sharma playing the lead role, the film received positive reviews and critical acclaim.
Sources report that Gemini Productions have bagged the remake rights of this film and will be producing it in Tamil and Telugu. Kamal has been confirmed to play the lead role and the other actors are on the verge of being finalised.The shooting is expected to commence in a couple of months.
Sources report that Gemini Productions have bagged the remake rights of this film and will be producing it in Tamil and Telugu. Kamal has been confirmed to play the lead role and the other actors are on the verge of being finalised.The shooting is expected to commence in a couple of months.