As reported, the first shooting schedule of Vijay’s upcoming untitled 58th film with director Chimbudevan, which included a grand song sequence featuring Vijay, Sridevi, Hansika and Sudeep, was wrapped up recently. Sridevi makes a comeback into the Tamil film industry after a long hiatus in the role of a queen, and as Hansika's mother.
Now team 'Vijay 58' is back in action, starting the 2nd schedule today. Hansika, as reported earlier will be playing a princess in this movie. It may not be one of those easy roles for the pretty actress, since she has to take part in some scary sword fight scenes, under the supervision of experts from Hong Kong. These sword fight scenes would go on for about 4 to 5 days in the grand castle set erected in Chennai, and would feature Vijay, Hansika and Sridevi taking on the gang of villains.
The actress has shared her excitement in her official Twitter forum today:“Starting d 2nd schedule of #vijays58 wid a sword fight practise, exciting bt scary yo! I guess d princesses hs 2b ready for the war anytime.”